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Tove Jansson: sanat, kuvat, elämä
Tove Janssonin menestystarina sai alkunsa jo 1950-luvulla, kun muumikuume levisi ensimmäistä kertaa. Maalausten ja muumipeikkojen taustalla taiteilija kävi jatkuvaa kamppailua velvollisuuksien ja toiveiden, oman tahdon ja vastuun välillä. Tove Jansson etsi koko elämänsä uusi..
Turku Coloring Book for Grown-ups
This beautiful Turku-themed coloring book, by graphic designer Kristiina Elo, has been a huge hit in Finland and is sure to please fennophiles and Finns abroad, as well! Explore the contemporary streetscapes and history of Turku as you enjoy a relaxing moment with colored pe..
Turku Coloring Book for Grown-ups 2
Illustrator Kristiina Elo's first Turku coloring book was such a smashing success, that a sequel has been published! Like this first, this lovely collection of images to be colored depicts beautiful and interesting sites from the streets of Turku, with a brief text describin..
Turku Neighborhoods
Turku Neighborhoods
Elina Teerijoki
If you're the kind of traveler that likes to know what it's like to live in the places you visit, this is the guidebook of your dreams! Local author Elina Teerijoki guides you through each of Turku's diverse neighborhoods, giving a description and often surprising history of..
Wild Herb Cookbook
Wild Herb Cookbook
Sami Tallberg
Discover and celebrate the wild herbs awaiting you in the forest, on the seashore, or your own front yard! In this artful book, author and chef Sami Tallberg gives descriptions of 59 wild plants, along with seasonal, delicious and yet simple recipes for each plant. Excellent..
Wild, Weird & Wonderful - Finnish Cuisine Today
Finland's famous wild foods chef Sami Tallberg presents a new collection of contemporary Finnish recipes, using both conventional and unusual ingredients to create classic and innovative dishes. Try the fresh and exciting strawberries and green tomatoes with camomile and bas..

Expand your horizons to the north with our books about Finland! Explore Finnish architecture, fashion, history and nature, or check out a modern Finnish cookbook!

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